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Why give?

We serve an amazing and generous God who calls us to be generous people. Here at Christ Church we are seeking, by God’s grace, to be a family church where people of all ages and all stages of faith can find a home.


Our giving:

  • supports our Sunday services and our various mid week activities; 

  • enables us to reach out to share God’s love with our community through youth and children’s work, school support, play groups, Cathartic Moments, pastoral care, weddings, funerals, baptisms, community activities, our outreach, etc.

  • part of our giving is to support the work and ministry of the Diocese and includes support for churches in deprived areas of the Diocese. We also support a number of our own charities, both local and international.

Download these 'pdf' leaflets for more information: 'Giving in Grace' and 'Giving for Growth'

Everything that happens through Christ Church

is only possible because of the support of our members.


Weekly Offering:

Thank you to all who give so generously to the work of our church.  Some already give online but if you would like to give within a church service, we will be passing the collection plate again during the service. You can still also give via the giving box/collection plate/or contactless giving machine. all at the back of the church. If you'd rather not touch the collection plate as it comes around, please just allow it to pass by you. 

.The best way to give is by standing order or bank transfer. The details you will need are:

- Co-op Bank Sort Code: 08-92-99 Accounts: Christ Church Parbold PCC

- Account Number: 65994889 and please quote your name as the Reference.

Just Giving: The Church has a Just Giving account which means that you can easily make one off card donations and Gift Aid them too. For more information and to make a payment, just click here :

If you have any queries or would like to know more about Gift Aid, please contact Lin Milne – phone 01257 463523 or email


What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is where you can give a sum of money to the church and the church can then reclaim from HM Revenue and Customs the basic rate of tax on the donation. It provides a great opportunity for donors to increase the value of their donations to their church by 25%. For example, for every £100 given through Gift Aid this increases in value to £125. Everyone who pays tax on any income, whether that is through savings, dividends or capital gains can use the Gift Aid facility as long as the amount claimed is not any more than tax paid. 


To Gift Aid a donation we require you to complete a simple form providing a name, address and confirmation you are a tax payer. The church will reclaim the amount from HM Revenue and Customs


Legacies: Remembering your church family in your will

Money left specifically to the Church in your will helps to secure our church building and its ministry to the Parbold community for generations to come.


These gifts make a real difference to the future work of the church as regular giving often concentrates on maintaining the existing mission and ministry. A Gift can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God and can help keep your local church alive, and help transform its future.

Why not consider leaving the Church something in your Will today, and set up a legacy?

If you would like further information, or to discuss this or any other aspect of giving, including joining the envelope scheme, giving by standing order, and registering for Gift Aid, please contact our Treasurer, Lin Milne


Further information can be found on the Church Legacy web site:

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