Admission of Children to Communion at Christ Church
The Church of England systems have now changed to allow children of any age to receive bread and wine at Communion before they are Confirmed provided the child has been baptised & has received suitable preparation in church.
Confirmation then remains the further important occasion at an older age when young people make their adult declarations of faith https://www.churchofengland.org/life-events/confirmation
Whether a child receives communion is a personal decision for each family. Page 6 of the Admission Guidelines Booklet highlights that ' Children should not be admitted on the basis of parental aspiration alone, but for children who are under the age of 7 years the parents wishes will be considered'.
If you would like your child to receive Communion please have a word with Rev Sue: susanktimmins@aol.com Parents also need to return the Parental Consent Form below to Geoff in church.
​Communion services are held once a month in church and for full details please see the information below or have a word with Rev Sue
For full details please see the information below or have a word with Rev Sue.
INFORMATION FOR PARENTS(Please click on the links below to access the documents)
Parental Consent Form to be returned to Geoff christchurchparbold.admn@gmail.com
For resources to help you talk with your child at home:
See page 17 of the Admissions Guidelines Booklet above