Watch our current short Bible Reflections
'Faith Moments'
You can request to listen to any of the 'Faith Moments' just click/tap on the appropriate link to email Geoff.
The most recent Faith Moment is at the top of the list!
FM37 - First Thing First (9th September)
FM36 - Sons and Daughters (2nd September)
FM35 - See What Love (26th August)
FM34 - The Glorious Project (19th August)
FM32 - Freedom To (05th August)
FM31 - Freedom From (29th July)
FM30 - Know Where you Stand (22th July)
FM29 - Open the Door (15th July)
FM28 - A Firm Foundation (8th July)
FM27 - In His Words (1st July)
FM26 - Choose to Hope (24th June)
FM23 - The Holy Spirit and Us (3rd June)
FM22 - The Holy Spirit and you (27th May)
FM21 - The Spirit Outpoured (20th May)
FM20 - Bless the Lord O my soul (13th May)
FM18 - He calls me Friend (29nd April)
FM17 - The Glorious Rest (22nd April)
FM16 - A New way of Walking (15th April)
FM15 - A Heavenly Mindset (8th April)
FM13 - A Glorious End (25th March)
FM12 - Bold Forgiveness (18th March)
FM9 - Are you Ready? (26th Feb)
FM5 - Grace for Others (29th Jan)
FM3 - Living Under Grace (15th Jan)
FM2- Let your light shine (8th Jan)
FM1 -The Lord is my Light and Salvation (1st Jan)